102 servers with 878 clients on 14678 slots
Server list updated


We cant load server query data.. :-(

We are sorry, that we need to inform you about this, but our system dont have any query data about your server. Please, wait a few minutes than our system get any query data about your server..

Does the problem persist for a long time?
  • Please check, if your default guest group has permission b_virtualserver_info_view (this is so important)
  • Please check, if your server really be online
  • Please check, if a query port what you inserted to the form is be alright
  • If you check all and everything is okay, please, contact as to e-mail [email protected] or via contact form
Server description:
Die La Familia ist ein Team, wo es hauptsächlich ums gemeinschaftliche Zocken geht.
Dabei ist es egal was wir Zocken, Hauptsache wir Daddeln zusammen, haben Spaß und nur kein Stress dabei.
Information about server:
Server address: Srv-02.team-lf.de:9987
Server status: Unknown
Clients on-line: 0/0
Server country: Germany
Server version: Unknown
Server uptime: Unknown
Server ping: Unknown
Created channels: Unknown
Availability:   96.13%, 26710 tests - 1035 failed
Server votes: 29 (vote for server)
Server views: 183
Last server status update: Unknown