IP/Address: ts.host315.net | Publico, Canales Permanentes Gratis
Server description:
Dirección: ts.host315.net (no necesita puerto)Su gran alternativa de máxima comodidad, calidad, privacidad y seguridad.Servidor TeamSpeak3 Público con canales temporales y permanentes para los usuarios.Address: ts.host315.net (port not required)Your great alternative for maximum comfort, quality, privacy and security.Public TeamSpeak3 server that has temporary and permanent channels for users.
Information about server:
Server address: |
ts.host315.net:9987 |
Server status: |
On-line |
Clients on-line: |
47/512 (12 reserved, 1 query) |
Server country: |
Spain |
Server version: |
3.13.7 [Build: 1655727713] |
Server uptime: |
265d 6h 35m |
Server ping: |
80.8723ms |
Created channels: |
137 |
Availability: |
95.61%, 58234 tests - 2556 failed |
Server votes: |
816 (vote for server) |
Server views: |
243 |
Last server status update: |
2024-09-16 17:30:23