72 servers with 1051 clients on 13455 slots
Server list updated

NORTH-INDUSTRIES.COM - Free Secure Gaming Services


Server description:
Welcome to KB - Teamspeak Server.
We gamble, discuss and laugh a lot.
Ranking System | Music Bots | Dynamic Banner | Free and Private Channels | Auto Right System (higher rank = more rights) | feature requests

Klabausterbeere host serveral gameserver and we provide all tools a good gamer needs.
Free Chat Service for windows, linux, web and android. free Live Streaming and Video Chat. Forum and much more.
If you need any additional feature just let us know.
Join us now, no registration, no fees. All anonymous!

Home | TS-Viewer | Rules | KB-Chat | KB-Meet

SHARE LINK: [URL]https://klabausterbeere.xyz/ts-invites
Information about server:
Server address: klabausterbeere.xyz:9987
Server status: On-line
Clients on-line: 6/64 (2 reserved, 1 query)
Server country: Germany
Server version: 3.13.7 [Build: 1655727713]
Server uptime: 20h 43m
Server ping: 53.3333ms
Created channels: 88
Availability:   99.9%, 44735 tests - 43 failed
Server votes: 1 (vote for server)
Server views: 130
Last server status update: 2024-07-27 01:43:56